Performance Improvement: Stages, Steps and Tools
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Performance Improvement Toolkit
Build the implementation team

Organize a team of all the individuals or subcontracted organizations needed to implement the interventions that appear on the plan from Step 3 of Stage 7


A team roster

 Implementation Team Roster Template
 Example — Intervention Memo of Understanding

The first step is to reconfirm the PI team including the PI facilitator and client organization staff. The “PI facilitator” may be a program manager. The PI team then identifies and contracts with the necessary professionals to implement the interventions. The best place to start locating these team members is with the people who helped develop the interventions. Often, the best team to implement an intervention is the one that designed it. There are, however, occasions when developers may not be the ideal implementers. Examples include:

  • An instructional designer who is not the best presenter of classroom training
  • A scriptwriter who designed the training video but is not a member of the production company you want to hire to produce the video.

The PI facilitator and client organization staff draw on their knowledge base of consultants, cooperating agencies and private companies to build the necessary teams. Donor organizations, such as USAID missions, are useful resources with their broad view of the technical capabilities of cooperating agencies and local organizations.

There will be occasions when your immediate team or agency lacks sufficient expertise or experience to implement an intervention, or when an intervention clearly falls within another agency’s comparative advantage. In this case, it is the PI facilitator’s job, with the help of the donor, to gain the cooperation of other organizations. In addition, the PI facilitator needs to communicate in exact terms the methods and expected results of the intervention—especially the performance gaps, the indicators used to measure performance and the expectations for gap closure. To make sure that all parties have the same expectations, it is best for representatives from both the cooperating agency and the donor to sign a memo of understanding specifying all the arrangements and agreements.